Same time and money with McElroy Metal recover productsMetal Roofing Recover Systems


Benefits of Recover Systems


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Set up a Meeting with our Recover Specialist Charlie Smith


Are you tired of chasing new construction public bid jobs where the competition is stiff and the margins are skinny?  If so, pursuing the recover market could be a great opportunity for you! 

As building owners try to get more years from their existing buildings, the recover market has exploded.   So demand is great and you can literally enter this market segment with your existing equipment and crews so it requires little (if any) additional capital to get started.  Consequently,it may be a great time to give it some thought.   

Of course, you can only move as fast as your crew and your replacement method will allow.

We have a solutions for both existing metal and shingle roofs that will allow you to tackle more jobs, make more money, and do it all in less time: Recover solutions from McElroy Metal. 

While profitability for your business is important, it's also important to feel good about the value you're delivering to the building owner.  Metal Roofing is packed full of benefits so it's a system you can feel good about offering to your customers:

  • Life Expectancy of 50+ years
  • Minimal disruption to business operations 
  • Avoid tear off and disposal expense
  • Ability to correct structural issues
  • Weather resistant
  • Superior lifetime cost compared to other material options
  • Sustainable and recyclable roofing
  • Looks great!

McElroy Metal provides roofing replacement solutions for existing metal roofs as well as shingles.

See our Recover Infographic

Grow Your Business Recover Worn-Out Existing Metal Roofs

Our metal-over-metal recover system is an easy way to cover over a building’s existing roof. Utilizing McElroy’s 238T symmetrical standing seam, you’ll love how quickly and safely your crew can complete a job and move on to the next—and your customers will love the long-term stability it offers, its individual panel replaceability, and many other benefits.

But, competitive pricing isn't the only advantage this system offers. In many cases, panels can be manufactured on-site, allowing a single panel to run from eave to ridge. Panel laps are not only expensive to install but are also typically the weakest link in any roof system. So, avoiding them by going with a single piece panel from eave to ridge produces the best available roof system for your building.

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Recover Worn-Out Existing Shingles

For decades, shingles have offered owners the lowest cost roofing alternative with a life expectancy of 10-20 years. 

Our 138T Shingle Recover System can be the long-term, cost-effective solution they're looking for. You can offer this system and often install directly over the existing shingles saving the cost and labor of tear off making this an attractive option for your customers.

The system has a ¾” ventilated air space between the existing shingles and new 138T roof system. This will provide a long term solution to reduce heat transfer into the structure during the summer and reduce the chances of icing during the winter in northern climates.

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Metal-over-Metal Recover Systems

McElroy Metal has several patented recover systems that enable contractors to roof over existing rooftops with ease.

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Find a Distributor/Contractor Near You

Whether you’re building a new home or planning renovations for your commercial building, a metal roof can deliver long-term cost savings and comfort. To explore your options and find the product that meets your aesthetic and budgetary needs, contact a McElroy Metal distributor or contractor in your area today. We can’t wait to help make your dream project a reality.

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Free Webinar Grow your Business with Recover Roofing

Learn how to enter the emerging market of Recover Roofing to grow your business and outsell your competition.

Watch the Webinar